PowerClerk Support Center

Program Design
Questions to Ask
Locating the Automations feature
How to create an Automation
Automation Triggers
Automation Action Rules
Validation Rules
Scheduled Triggers
Troubleshooting Automations
Questions to ask yourself
Locating the Channels feature
What are Channels?
Types of Channels
Channel Type: Mark as Child
Channel Type: Make Successor
Channel Type: Create Related Project
Channel Type: Submit Related Project
Channel Type: Project Lookup
How to create a Channel
Channel Signals and Automations
Using Channels in Test Environments
Questions to ask yourself
Locating the Communications feature
Creating Communication templates
Finding Data Tags
Images in Communications
Sending Mass Communications
Project Attachments and Content Library Items
Smart Templates
Upgrading to Smart Templates
Upgrading when a Test Environment Exists
Broken Template Tags
Examples of Broken Template Tags
PowerClerk Mass Communication Policy
Questions to ask yourself
Locating the Connections feature
What are Connections
How to Create a Standard Web Adapter
Define the Standard Web Adapter
Connecting, Testing, and Enabling the Web Adapter
Creating a Standard Web Adapter Configuration
Utilizing Connections on PowerClerk
Maintaining and Editing the Web Adapter
Web Adapter Payload Type Format
Supported Message Versions
Error Handling
Custom List Lookup
Create a Custom List Lookup
Utilizing Custom List Lookup
Content Library
Questions to ask yourself
Locating the Content Library feature
Uploading content to the Content Library
Use with Communication Templates
Use for Front Page content
Custom API IDs
Questions to Ask
Locating the Custom API IDs feature
How to edit a Custom API ID
Data Fields
Questions to ask yourself
Locating the Data Fields feature
How to work with Data Fields
Custom Lists and Data Field Groups
Table form element
PV System + batteries element
Questions to ask yourself
Locating the Deadlines feature
What are Deadlines
How to Create a Deadline
Deadline Automation Action Rules
Utilizing Project Admin Page for Deadlines
Communication Templates for Deadlines
Deadline Set/Satisfy Options
Program-Wide Deadline Actions
Reporting on Deadlines
Deadlines in Project List Columns
Document Templates
Questions to ask yourself
Locating the Document Templates feature
How to define a new Template
How to define a new Merged Document
DocuSign template tags
Mapping eSignature tags
Smart Templates
eSignature Envelopes
Questions to Ask
Locating the eSignature Feature
What are eSignature Envelopes?
eSignature Checklist: The Prerequisites to create a new Envelope
How to set up Advanced eSignature Envelopes Step-by-Step
How to add an eSignature Envelope to a form
eSignature Automation Trigger
Viewing Completed eSignature Envelopes
Resending eSignature Notifications
Canceling eSignatures
Questions to ask yourself
Locating the Forms feature
How to create and edit Forms
Adding data fields
Configuring Forms
Sensitive Data Fields
Formulas and Calculated Fields
Questions to ask yourself
Locating the Formulas feature
How to work with Formulas and Calculated Fields
Formula Data Dictionary
Dynamic Formula References
Rules of Formula References
Advanced Visibility Rules
Video Guides: Formulas
Front Page
Questions to ask yourself
Locating the Front Page feature
How to edit the Front Page
Incentive Design
Questions to ask yourself
Locating the Incentive Design feature
How to create and edit Incentive Designs
Incentive Options for One-Time Incentive Type
Incentive Design Options
Questions to ask yourself
Locating the Milestones feature
How to define a Milestone
Project List Columns
Questions to ask yourself
Locating the Project List Columns feature
How to use Project List Columns
Project Summary
Questions to ask yourself
Locating the Project Summary feature
How to edit the Project Summary
Project Views
Questions to ask yourself
Locating the Project Views feature
How to edit Project Views
Questions to ask yourself
Locating the Roles feature
How to create and edit a Role
Access Groups
Access Groups and Automations
Access Groups and Data Imports
Access Groups and Reports
Questions to ask yourself
Locating the Workflow feature
How to create and edit the Workflow
Workflow Example Overview
Locating the Announcements feature
Creating an Announcement
Triggering an Announcement
Managing Announcements Topic List
Managing Announcement Topic Enrollment Via User Account
Prerequisites for Using Announcements
Business Days
Questions to ask yourself
Locating the Business Days feature
Setting up Business Days
Questions to ask yourself
Locating the Dashboards feature
How to create widgets in your Dashboard
Other Dashboard Actions
Data Import
Questions to ask yourself
Locating the Data Import feature
Steps to Complete a Data Import
Data Import Configurations
Column Header Types
Automatic Data Imports via SFTP
Duplicate Check
Questions to ask yourself
Locating the Duplicate Check feature
How to use Duplicate Checks
Import Projects
Questions to ask yourself
Locating the Import Projects feature
How to Import From V2
Operation Status
Questions to ask yourself
Locating the Operation Status feature
How to use the Operation Status feature
Program Info
Project Inquiry
Locating the Project Inquiry feature
How to edit the Project Inquiry Settings
Automating Communications for Project Inquires
Inquiry Summary
Questions to ask yourself
Locating the Program Info feature
How to edit the Program Info menu
Notification Banners
Usage Info
Program Statistics
Questions to ask yourself
Locating the Program Statistics feature
How to use Program Statistics
Questions to ask yourself
Locating the Reports feature
How to setup Reports
Multi-instance reports
Sharing Reports
Integrate scheduled Reports
Cross-Program Reports
User Administration
Questions to ask yourself
Locating the User Administration feature
How to work with User Administration
Test Environment
Questions to ask yourself
Locating the Test Environment feature
How to setup a Test Environment
Tools Menu
My Account
Questions to Ask
Locating the My Account feature
How to use the My Account feature
Setting up Multi-Factor Authentication
Missing, lost, or stolen mobile devices: resetting Multi-Factor Authentication
Disabling Multi-Factor Authentication
Recovery Guidelines for MFA Administrators
Questions to Ask
Locating the FormSense feature
How to use the FormSense feature
Grant Access
Questions to Ask
Project Grants vs Broad Grants (i.e. "Grant Access")
Locating the Project Grant feature
Locating the Grant Access feature
How to use the Grant Access feature
Integration Guides & API
Questions to ask yourself
Locating the ePayments History feature
How to add ePayments
PowerClerk API
Questions to Ask
What is the PowerClerk API?
What can the PowerClerk API do?
Integrating with the PowerClerk API
API Documentation for Developers
Single Sign On (SSO)
Questions to Ask
PowerClerk SSO Configuration
Azure AD Configuration (SAML)
Azure AD Configuration (OIDC)
Okta IDP Configuration (SAML)
SP Configuration
SSO for multiple programs
IDP Configuration Troubleshooting
Integration Guide 001: How to configure a Web Adapter – ArcGIS Implementation
Integration Guide 002: How to configure Electric Power Research Institute’s (EPRI) DRIVE Connect software with PowerClerk
PowerClerk Video Guides
New User Video Guide
Setting up Business Days
Edit Forms - Tutorial #1
Calculated Fields
Build A Formula
Edit Forms - Tutorial #2
Project Summary
Automation with Formulas in Action Rules
Setting up Roll-up Reports
Configuring Forms
Roles and User Administration
Formulas and Advanced Visibility Rules
Visualize Workflows
SFTP Automatic Data Import
Standard Web Adapter Setup
PowerClerk Program Launch
PowerClerk User Group Sessions (UGS)
Learning Management System (LMS)
Join us for Reflow!
NEW: PowerClerk Certifications

Applicant and Administrator Experience

Applicant Experience


Account Creation

Applicants can self-register for accounts in PowerClerk as shown in Figure 1; however, email verification is required prior to being able to login.

Applicant Self-Registration

Figure 1: Applicant Self-Registration

Enabling applicants to self-register saves the administrative team time over an admin-managed applicant registration process.
Applicants must enter all required information to request an account. When a PowerClerk account is requested, a time-sensitive verification email with a security code is automatically sent to the user to confirm the user’s email address and complete registration.

Submitting Applications

Once the applicant has set up their PowerClerk account, they may log in to submit new applications or check the status of existing applications. Any applicant user account that requests access to the program can submit applications if self-registration has been enabled by the administrator.
See the list of applications visible to a user in Figure 2. Note that additional columns can be displayed on this page (e.g., Account Number, Host Customer Name, etc.,) as specified by the administrator to provide additional context to each application. The search box will search any of the column contents in the application list:

List of Applications

Figure 2: Home Page with List of Applications

The applicant begins filling out a new application by clicking the blue”New [Form Name]” button. The application form is then displayed as a series of task steps to be completed. These task steps will require the applicant to populate fields as designed in the form editor (by the administrator—see the “Forms” section), which can include contact information, technical information about a generating system, supporting documentation, and more. A representative application form is shown in Figure 3:

Example Application Form

Figure 3: Example Application Form

The data entered into the application form is automatically saved each time the user changes pages in the form or exits the form. Unsubmitted (incomplete) applications are saved and the applicant may return at any point in the future—assuming administrators have not suspended the program or user in the meantime—to finish filling out an Unsubmitted application.

PV System Components

PowerClerk provides drop-down lists of equipment manufacturer and model from which the applicant can select the relevant components for their application. Use of drop-downs reduces applicant data entry mistakes and makes it possible for PowerClerk to reference equipment ratings and specifications to calculate system ratings and estimated annual production. Rather than having the applicant enter an equipment rating and manually perform the total system rating calculation PowerClerk will perform the calculation automatically. See Figure 4 and Figure 5 for an example from a PV incentive application. In this example, the estimated annual production (kWh), DC rating and CEC-AC rating are calculated using specifications from the CEC equipment list as well as the system location, orientation, and shading.

CEC Equipment List –PV Equipment

PowerClerk utilizes the California Energy Commission (CEC) solar equipment lists, which can be accessed here: http://www.gosolarcalifornia.org/equipment/. Only CEC-listed equipment as it appears on the public CEC website is included in PowerClerk.
Equipment ratings (inverter efficiency and module PTC rating) are drawn from the CEC list and cannot be overridden. Custom, unlisted, freeform or generic equipment cannot be entered into PowerClerk’s purpose-built PV System control. Clean Power Research automatically scans the CEC equipment website and any changes to the CEC site are automatically reflected in PowerClerk, usually in less than a business day.

Selection of Equipment Model

Figure 4: Selection of Equipment Model


Selection of Equipment Model and Auto Calculation

Figure 5: Selection of Equipment Model and Auto Calculation


Supporting Documentation

Many incentive applications require supporting documentation such as one-or three-line diagrams and more to be included in the application package. PowerClerk enables the applicant to upload electronic attachments directly into the application form from their web browser. Electronic document attachments can be in .pdf, .docx, .xlsx, or .csv format and can be up to 5MB per attachment.
The list of supporting documents is entirely specified by the administrator. Electronic attachments can be marked as required with a red asterisk, and may also appear dynamically depending on entries in other data fields with Conditional Visibility.
Documents such as agreements can be generated by PowerClerk. These documents can be populated with information from the application, as configured by the administrator. An example agreement document has been generated and uploaded as shown below in Figure 6:

Electronic Attachments and Document Generation

Figure 6: Electronic Attachments and Document Generation


Applicant Post-Submission Experience

Once an application is submitted it receives a unique project number and is no longer editable by the applicant. The applicant may use the View button to review the application data and electronic attachment, but may no longer make edits unless the administrator returns the application into an applicant-editable state. In the case of a two-step program, a 2nd step application form will require review and editing by the applicant once the application enters a particular status. Both the workflow and the configuration of forms to statuses are configurable by the administrator, as described in the “Workflow” and “Forms” sections. The applicant is able to see a complete summary of their in-progress and submitted applications in the main application list, including the current status of each application.

Administrator Experience



In order to discuss the administrator experience in PowerClerk, we first need to define Roles. Roles control who can see and do what actions at what time. A hierarchy of roles, each with uniquely defined permissions, can be specified by the administrator. A typical set of roles for a PowerClerk program is defined below:

Typical Roles

Figure 7: Typical Roles

*Additional administrative functions can include user administration, document template import and activation, communication template creation and activation, deadline creation, front page editing, and more.
Roles in PowerClerk are configurable by the administrator.
Unless otherwise specified, all functionality will be described from the User Administrator’s perspective.

Administrative Application Processing

Upon login, the administrator is directed to the Home page in PowerClerk which displays the list of applications. The Home page displays all applications for the program, and a number of searchable/sortable columns that are configurable, but can include application status and most recent status date. The administrator can View any application to see a read-only summary, or use the Admin button to open the admin view of the application. The administrator may also Delete application from the Home page, if it is in the Unsubmitted status. See Figure 8:

Administrator Controls on Home Page

Figure 8: Administrator Controls on Home Page

To review a particular application, the administrator clicks Admin which opens the Admin page. The Admin page is a single-page overview of the entire application, and allows the administrator to:

  • Review the application, including any electronic attachments and signed documents
  • Change the application status
  • View status history
  • View/edit Project Notes
  • Send Communications
  • Set Deadlines
  • Review eSignature status
  • Set Assignee
  • Review Project Data History

See Figure 9 and Figure 10 for changing status; and Figure 11 for detail on the Admin page:

Changing Application Status

Figure 9: Changing Application Status

The administrator can change the status for an application from “Submitted” to “Application Review” to indicate to the applicant that review is underway. Note in Figure 10 that the date and time of the most recent status change is indicated next to the status. See the “Workflow” section for additional detail on configuring the flow between statuses:

Current Status

Figure 10: Current Status


Admin Page

Figure 11: Admin Page

From the Admin page, the administrator can also send communications to various stakeholders, including the applicant. Communications are typically (and most productively) generated based on pre-saved templates. The Communications panel on the Admin page facilitates on-demand communications between administrator and applicant, and provides an easily digestible summary of communications history. The Communications panel tracks communications sent manually by the administrator as well as those sent automatically by Actions. See the “Communications” section for additional configuration detail and the “Actions” section on automatic sending of communications.
Deadlines can be created, activated and deactivated from the Admin page as well. Similar to the Communications panel, the Deadlines panel is placed near the top of the Admin page to provide the administrator easy access to activate and satisfy deadlines, and monitor active and expired deadlines. Deadlines keep the administrator, the applicant, and other stakeholders in line with project timelines as specified by the administrator. See the “Deadlines” section for additional detail.
The administrator can review each electronic attachment in the web browser by clicking on it, and can choose to Approve or Reject each attachment, enabling them to track outstanding items which could be prohibiting an application from advancing to the next status. Also, the administrator can upload documents into a particular application from the Admin page. In the case of a Rejected document, the applicant could email an updated version of the document to rectify any issues and the administrator could then upload it into PowerClerk.
If the application meets all program requirements, the administrator can advance the application to the next status in the workflow. Once the application process is complete, the administrator will place the application in a status such as “Complete,” “Approved,” or similar.
In the case of an application with errors or an attachment that has been rejected, the administrator has a range of possible actions available to notify the applicant that additional action is needed to correct the deficiency. The administrator can send communications to the applicant, or the administrator can change the application status to “Suspended” or similar to indicate that additional action is needed. See the “Actions” section for additional detail on how deadlines and communications can be automatically activated or sent, respectively, based on a status change.

Program Design

In PowerClerk, the administrator has a number of tools at their disposal to create and modify a program’s Workflow, Forms, Communications, Templates, Deadlines, Actions, Reports, and more as shown in Figure 12. These tools have been designed to provide flexibility and control to the administrator, enabling them to develop unique, program-specific workflows based on each program’s specific requirements. In many competing offerings, changing a program’s workflow or the contents of a form requires a code change, but both and more can be done self-service by the administrator in PowerClerk:

Program Design Menu

Figure 12: Program Design Menu

The following links will document in detail all Program Design functionalities within PowerClerk.

Advanced Program Design
Program Reporting