PowerClerk Support Center

Program Design
Questions to Ask
Locating the Automations feature
How to create an Automation
Automation Triggers
Automation Action Rules
Validation Rules
Scheduled Triggers
Troubleshooting Automations
Questions to ask yourself
Locating the Channels feature
What are Channels?
Types of Channels
Channel Type: Mark as Child
Channel Type: Make Successor
Channel Type: Create Related Project
Channel Type: Submit Related Project
Channel Type: Project Lookup
How to create a Channel
Channel Signals and Automations
Using Channels in Test Environments
Questions to ask yourself
Locating the Communications feature
Creating Communication templates
Finding Data Tags
Images in Communications
Sending Mass Communications
Project Attachments and Content Library Items
Smart Templates
Upgrading to Smart Templates
Upgrading when a Test Environment Exists
Broken Template Tags
Examples of Broken Template Tags
PowerClerk Mass Communication Policy
Questions to ask yourself
Locating the Connections feature
What are Connections
How to Create a Standard Web Adapter
Define the Standard Web Adapter
Connecting, Testing, and Enabling the Web Adapter
Creating a Standard Web Adapter Configuration
Utilizing Connections on PowerClerk
Maintaining and Editing the Web Adapter
Web Adapter Payload Type Format
Supported Message Versions
Error Handling
Custom List Lookup
Create a Custom List Lookup
Utilizing Custom List Lookup
Content Library
Questions to ask yourself
Locating the Content Library feature
Uploading content to the Content Library
Use with Communication Templates
Use for Front Page content
Custom API IDs
Questions to Ask
Locating the Custom API IDs feature
How to edit a Custom API ID
Data Fields
Questions to ask yourself
Locating the Data Fields feature
How to work with Data Fields
Custom Lists and Data Field Groups
Table form element
PV System + batteries element
Questions to ask yourself
Locating the Deadlines feature
What are Deadlines
How to Create a Deadline
Deadline Automation Action Rules
Utilizing Project Admin Page for Deadlines
Communication Templates for Deadlines
Deadline Set/Satisfy Options
Program-Wide Deadline Actions
Reporting on Deadlines
Deadlines in Project List Columns
Document Templates
Questions to ask yourself
Locating the Document Templates feature
How to define a new Template
How to define a new Merged Document
DocuSign template tags
Mapping eSignature tags
Smart Templates
eSignature Envelopes
Questions to Ask
Locating the eSignature Feature
What are eSignature Envelopes?
eSignature Checklist: The Prerequisites to create a new Envelope
How to set up Advanced eSignature Envelopes Step-by-Step
How to add an eSignature Envelope to a form
eSignature Automation Trigger
Viewing Completed eSignature Envelopes
Resending eSignature Notifications
Canceling eSignatures
Questions to ask yourself
Locating the Forms feature
How to create and edit Forms
Adding data fields
Configuring Forms
Sensitive Data Fields
Formulas and Calculated Fields
Questions to ask yourself
Locating the Formulas feature
How to work with Formulas and Calculated Fields
Formula Data Dictionary
Dynamic Formula References
Rules of Formula References
Advanced Visibility Rules
Video Guides: Formulas
Front Page
Questions to ask yourself
Locating the Front Page feature
How to edit the Front Page
Incentive Design
Questions to ask yourself
Locating the Incentive Design feature
How to create and edit Incentive Designs
Incentive Options for One-Time Incentive Type
Incentive Design Options
Questions to ask yourself
Locating the Milestones feature
How to define a Milestone
Project List Columns
Questions to ask yourself
Locating the Project List Columns feature
How to use Project List Columns
Project Summary
Questions to ask yourself
Locating the Project Summary feature
How to edit the Project Summary
Project Views
Questions to ask yourself
Locating the Project Views feature
How to edit Project Views
Questions to ask yourself
Locating the Roles feature
How to create and edit a Role
Access Groups
Access Groups and Automations
Access Groups and Data Imports
Access Groups and Reports
Questions to ask yourself
Locating the Workflow feature
How to create and edit the Workflow
Workflow Example Overview
Locating the Announcements feature
Creating an Announcement
Triggering an Announcement
Managing Announcements Topic List
Managing Announcement Topic Enrollment Via User Account
Prerequisites for Using Announcements
Business Days
Questions to ask yourself
Locating the Business Days feature
Setting up Business Days
Questions to ask yourself
Locating the Dashboards feature
How to create widgets in your Dashboard
Other Dashboard Actions
Data Import
Questions to ask yourself
Locating the Data Import feature
Steps to Complete a Data Import
Data Import Configurations
Column Header Types
Automatic Data Imports via SFTP
Duplicate Check
Questions to ask yourself
Locating the Duplicate Check feature
How to use Duplicate Checks
Import Projects
Questions to ask yourself
Locating the Import Projects feature
How to Import From V2
Operation Status
Questions to ask yourself
Locating the Operation Status feature
How to use the Operation Status feature
Program Info
Project Inquiry
Locating the Project Inquiry feature
How to edit the Project Inquiry Settings
Automating Communications for Project Inquires
Inquiry Summary
Questions to ask yourself
Locating the Program Info feature
How to edit the Program Info menu
Notification Banners
Usage Info
Program Statistics
Questions to ask yourself
Locating the Program Statistics feature
How to use Program Statistics
Questions to ask yourself
Locating the Reports feature
How to setup Reports
Multi-instance reports
Sharing Reports
Integrate scheduled Reports
Cross-Program Reports
User Administration
Questions to ask yourself
Locating the User Administration feature
How to work with User Administration
Test Environment
Questions to ask yourself
Locating the Test Environment feature
How to setup a Test Environment
Tools Menu
My Account
Questions to Ask
Locating the My Account feature
How to use the My Account feature
Setting up Multi-Factor Authentication
Missing, lost, or stolen mobile devices: resetting Multi-Factor Authentication
Disabling Multi-Factor Authentication
Recovery Guidelines for MFA Administrators
Questions to Ask
Locating the FormSense feature
How to use the FormSense feature
Grant Access
Questions to Ask
Project Grants vs Broad Grants (i.e. "Grant Access")
Locating the Project Grant feature
Locating the Grant Access feature
How to use the Grant Access feature
Integration Guides & API
Questions to ask yourself
Locating the ePayments History feature
How to add ePayments
PowerClerk API
Questions to Ask
What is the PowerClerk API?
What can the PowerClerk API do?
Integrating with the PowerClerk API
API Documentation for Developers
Single Sign On (SSO)
Questions to Ask
PowerClerk SSO Configuration
Azure AD Configuration (SAML)
Azure AD Configuration (OIDC)
Okta IDP Configuration (SAML)
SP Configuration
SSO for multiple programs
IDP Configuration Troubleshooting
Integration Guide 001: How to configure a Web Adapter – ArcGIS Implementation
Integration Guide 002: How to configure Electric Power Research Institute’s (EPRI) DRIVE Connect software with PowerClerk
PowerClerk Video Guides
New User Video Guide
Setting up Business Days
Edit Forms - Tutorial #1
Calculated Fields
Build A Formula
Edit Forms - Tutorial #2
Project Summary
Automation with Formulas in Action Rules
Setting up Roll-up Reports
Configuring Forms
Roles and User Administration
Formulas and Advanced Visibility Rules
Visualize Workflows
SFTP Automatic Data Import
Standard Web Adapter Setup
PowerClerk Program Launch
PowerClerk User Group Sessions (UGS)
Learning Management System (LMS)
Join us for Reflow!
NEW: PowerClerk Certifications


Create compelling charts and graphs that track program milestones and performance.

Questions to ask yourself before building a Dashboard:

What are the typical performance metrics that your program must report?


Does your program have examples of other graphs or charts that my organization has traditionally made in Excel?

What are the data field names for the fields I want to include in the Dashboard?

Locating the Dashboard feature

Anyone in a Role with the Edit Roles privilege can enable users to use Dashboards. Dashboard access is added by checking the “Edit Dashboards” checkbox when editing specific role permissions. Once enabled, Dashboards are located under the ADMIN menu and opened by clicking on Dashboards:

Figure 1: ADMIN >> Dashboards


How to create widgets in your Dashboard

Each program is set to display a default widget in your Dashboard which displays the current project count by status. To create a new widget in your Dashboard, click on the +Add Widget button. The new widget tray will open on the right side of your browser window.

Figure 2: Creating a new widget in the Dashboard

To start building your widget, first select which type of widget you’d like to build: (1) a bar chart, (2) a pie chart, or (3) a stacked bar chart.

Figure 3: Example widget types

Please note, the design of your widget type will impact how useful your graph is for communicating the intended program performance metrics.  For example, the bar chart will be most effective in displaying the performance of the program, where you want to show the current number of projects in each status:

Figure 4: Sample bar chart displaying total projects in each status

Alternatively, if you’re trying to report on the relative volumes of specific types of projects, then use a pie chart.  For example, this pie chart shows the breakdown of projects in a program by the customer segment (residential, commercial):

Figure 5: Sample pie chart displaying the percentage of projects that are owned by different customer sectors

Once you have selected your widget type, you’ll be presented with options to name your widget, graph data and create data filters.  These options will allow you customize your widget to reflect the exact data you wish to present.   First, to name your widget, click in the text box and type your desired name (Figure 6 showing the example name “Projects By Status”):

Figure 6: Naming your Dashboard widget

Once you’ve named the widget, you can then drag-and-drop data into the “Category (x-axis)” and “Quantity (y-axis)” fields.  This process begins by selecting either “Category” or “Quantity” and searching the data field name search box (1, below).  The widget feature will only allow you to drag eligible data fields into the appropriate box (2).  Eligible boxes are designated during drag-and-drop by turning green.

Figure 7: Inserting data into Category and Quantity fields

Last, you are able to modify the x and y axis labels and settings.  Specifically, the labels for the Category and Quantity (3) and the Category’s Color Scheme and Quantity’s aggregation (typically, sum or average) (4).

Figure 8: Editing Category and Quantity labels, color scheme and aggregation

Once you have selected the graph data, you can create data filters.  This will allow you to show only data fields that are relevant to the viewer of your Dashboard.  Again, the Dashboards feature will only allow you to select data fields that can be filtered by turning them green during drag-and-drop:

Figure 9: Creating data filters

Please note: The widget title and data labels will show up on the finished widget once your settings have been saved.   If you want to change the data label or widget title, you are able to edit this text in the future.
Once you are happy with your widget settings, save the widget by clicking “Save” at the bottom of the edit widget tray.  Also note: you will need to save changes to the entire Dashboard by clicking the “Save Dashboard” button at the top of your Dashboard.

Other Dashboard Actions: Refresh, New, Rename, Delete, Share

There are set of functions that allow you to manage your Dashboards. These actions are:

  1. Refresh – This action refreshes the data in your widgets, allowing you to update and publish your graphs with a single click.
  2. New – This will create a new Dashboard. Separate Dashboards will allow you to sort widgets when determining how you want to share graphs with other Roles.
  3. Rename – This will allow you to rename the Dashboard that you’re currently working on.
  4. Delete – This will delete the Dashboard that you’re currently working on. You will be prompted to confirm deletion.
  5. Share – This action allows you to share Dashboards with other Roles in your program.  See more below.


Figure 10: Dashboard Actions

When you decide to share your Dashboard, you are giving read-only access to other Roles in your program. This means that anyone in the Role can view (but not edit) your Dashboard. Shared Dashboards appear on the Dashboards drop down menu for all users who have been granted shared access.  Once you have selected Actions >> Share Dashboard, the following settings menu will appear.

Figure 11: Share Dashboard settings

To share the Dashboard, select the Role in your program that you wish to share then click the blue “Share” button. Reminder, all of the widgets in the Dashboard will be visible to the users in this Role. This Role will then appear in the shared roles list.  To remove a Role from access, select the Role and click “Remove”.

How to edit or delete existing Dashboard widgets

If you have a widget that is already created or you wish to edit the default program widget, you can access the same set of controls by selecting the icon in the widget’s upper right corner and clicking “Edit”:

Figure 12: Editing existing widgets

Selecting “Edit” will open the same tray used for creating new widgets, except it will have the Category, Quantity and Filter fields specified.   You can resize your widget in your Dashboard. This will allow you to configure the layout for the easiest viewing of your widgets.  To move the widget, hover over the widget, click and move.   To resize the widget, click and grab and edge of the widget and drag to the desired shape:

Figure 13: Resizing widgets

To delete your widget, select the icon in the upper right and click “Delete”.  You will NOT be prompted to confirm the deletion, so be careful when you decide to delete a widget.

Figure 14: Deleting widgets


How to publish widgets in your Dashboard

Currently, you can export widget images for use in other applications like email or program reports.  To publish a widget from your Dashboard, select the icon in the upper right and select either “Export as PNG” or “Export as SVG”.  The selected file type will download to your computer.

Figure 15: Exporting a PNG or SVG image


Embedding Dashboards on a program’s Front Page

Please note: please contact us by submitting a support request via Ticket System to enable the option for embedding Dashboards.
When clicking within the Dashboards section on button Actions the option “Anonymous Dashboards” allows you to retrieve the embed code snippets necessary to display your Dashboard on external pages or your program’s Front Page:

Anonymous Dashboards

Figure 16: Anonymous Dashboards

For example to embed your Dashboard on your programs front page you select and copy the <div>…</div> portion of these snippets in the Front Page editor’s source code-view accordingly:

Anonymous Dashboards

Figure 17: Embedding Anonymous Dashboards

Please note: If you aim to embed the Dashboard in an external website (e.g. not solely on your PowerClerk program’s Front Page) then you will want to also copy the <script>…</script>-tags into the header setcion of your external website.
See below for example a Dashboard embedded directly in this page from the PowerClerk Ticket System:

Video Guides


This video guide will show you how to setup, edit, resize, and position Dashboards and how to export a Dashboard as an image for your reporting.


A full list of all Video Guides can also be found here.


Have additional questions? Contact us to nominate your FAQ and help others find answers to your own questions concerning this feature.

Create A Support Ticket

Not finding your answer here?  Submit a question to our support team at the PowerClerk Ticket System and leverage the PowerClerk team’s expertise.