Wizard Related Configurations

What is a Wizard?

The WattPlan wizard is the series of pages that ask for a user’s input before guiding them to the detailed results page. We utilize the information provided by WattPlan customers to generate personalized estimates for each user.

Wizard Configurations

These wizard steps are completely customizable. You can modify the text on each page, add tip cards for extra information or to link to external utility pages (refer to Figure 1). Additionally, you have the flexibility to reorder pages and even remove some entirely. The structure of the wizard steps can vary depending on the site type (e.g., PV, EV, or RC).

Hyperlink on Wizard Card

Figure 1: Hyperlink on Wizard Card


Wizard Examples

Click through the photos below to view a typical PV and EV wizard flow.

PV Example:

Address Lookup Example

Figure 2: Address Entry Step

Collecting Panel Information Example

Figure 3: Rooftop Specification Step

Collecting Energy Usage Example

Figure 4: Energy Usage Step

Collecting Energy Efficiency Improvement Information

Figure 5: Energy Efficiency Step

Present Solar and Battery Storage Examples

Figure 6: Solar and Battery Storage Comparison Step

Custom Paragraph Text Example

Figure 7: Disclaimer Step

EV Example:


Figure 1: Zip Code Entry Step

Collecting Anticipated Yearly Miles Example

Figure 2: Commute Distance Step

 Optional Survey Questions

Figure 3: Filing Status and Taxable Income Step

Refine EV Searches by Filtering by Budget

Figure 4: Budget Step

View all EV Options

Figure 5: Vehicle Catalog and Selection Step

Compare Options Side by Side

Figure 6: Vehicle Comparison Step

Collecting Energy Usage

Figure 7: Energy Usage Step

Custom Paragraph Text

Figure 8: Disclaimer Step

Have additional questions? Contact us at support@wattplan.com and leverage the WattPlan team’s expertise.